About Jane

I’m a happily married thirty-something, and my husband and I have two beautiful daughters. I do many varied things during the week- being Mum, keeping house, teaching piano/guitar students, and volunteer work. These days I find myself building community wherever I go- in my volunteer work, Church, and neighborhood. I also enjoy making music and gardening. I love long walks on my own and long chats with friends. Often people who know me a little think that I’m a bit quiet and assume I haven’t got much to say. Those who know me better know that is not the case!

I also like to write- poems, prayers and reflections on life. It’s one of the ways I deal with the hard stuff, process things and make connections. More recently I have come to realise that others also identify with my poems, so I’ve decided to share some of my writing here.

My journey, particularly over the last 3 years has been one of discovery and re-awakening. I have learned so much about my family, myself, and my God.

Before describes a time when I was living in survival mode, unsure of myself and confused about how I related to others. I was very insecure. There were so many unanswered questions.

There have been a few defining moments in the journey that have marked the transition from before to after. Perhaps the most significant of these moments, was the moment when I realised it was likely that my husband is on the autism spectrum. This moment, and the subsequent diagnosis, really changed everything for me, and has allowed my husband and I to start to appreciate each other for who we really are.

 Laughter is a word like ‘after’. It implies finding joy, which is something that defines this stage.

However, laughter can be hard to come by when there’s a lot of things one person in the house does not find funny- too much noise, changes to the plan, interruptions- all pretty unavoidable things when there are kids in the house! But still, I find myself laughing about the peculiar interactions between the members of our household more often these days.

Welcome to my blog

Here you will find a collection of poems and prayers from my journal

It is my prayer that you might find something here that gives words to where you are at in your journey

Writing is for me, a way to connect the Divine and the mundane,

To record the moments of revelation amidst the ordinary.

I write about what I feel, what I know

Yet what I write is not unique, for there is nothing new under the sun

Before– I wrote because I thought I was the only one

After– I write because I know I am not alone