Preaching to myself
Our pastor mentioned something about ‘preaching to ourselves’ in a sermon recently… Here’s my attempt. I actually found this really fun, and reading back on it makes me laugh!
You are not unshakable
But God is
When you are shaken, take refuge in Him
Pray for what you long for, and trust God to provide what you need
You cannot be a perfect Mum
You cannot give them everything they need
Allow others to speak into their lives, to teach them
Stop comparing yourself to others
Stop comparing- your children, choices, capacity, marriage, gifts-
Accept what you’ve got and deal with it
Be thankful for what you have
You cannot be the perfect wife
Or have the perfect marriage
Settle for good enough
Listen to your husband
He might be insensitive but he’s not stupid
Don’t yell at your husband- explain your feelings to him
Don’t wait for him to offer to help- tell him what he can do
Sing everyday- just do it
Never stop worshipping in your heart
Don’t bottle up disappointments and hurts-
Bring it to God as soon as possible-
Deal with it- don’t let it fester
Your feelings are valid
Don’t wait for someone else to validate your feelings
Don’t expect anyone to solve all your problems
No one can know you fully except God himself
No one can save you except Jesus- and he already has
There will be days where it all seems too hard
Do not be surprised at this
Do not loose heart
It does not mean that you have failed
Hold your ground
And rest in the One who holds it all in His hands