We are not immune
Sometimes I think in our attempt to be ‘more than conquers’ as Christians we forget that we are human, and we struggle with the same things as any other humans do. Sometimes I feel a perception that there are certain sins, certain troubles that Christians ‘shouldn’t’ struggle with.
We are not immune
To the sorrows of this life
We too, must learn to live
As humans in this world
Though we do not grieve as the world does
We do grieve when we experience loss
We are not exempt from sorrow
We are not immune to weakness
Trying too hard to be strong
Can cause us to stumble and fall
Instead we can fall into the arms of the one who is the strongest, most mighty of all.
We are not immune to temptation
Just thinking we are leads to trouble
We can turn to the one who was tempted yet did not sin
We may be Sons and Daughters of the living God
But we are still human
Jesus knows this most of all
Jesus wept, Jesus ate
Was a human son and brother
Walked with friends
We too must come to terms with our humanity
Bear with one another
Not judge another in their suffering
Of those who have much,
Much is expected
And those who have little
Are greater than these