God our Father, and Mother?
This journey started when I asked the Holy Spirit to give me a picture of who He is, and found myself wanting to refer to the Holy Spirit as She. It seemed like a simple shift, but a significant one. How we see God and the language we use for God matters. And as I discovered, I’m not the only one who thinks of God in both male and female terms.
God is, of course, far above our human understandings, so perhaps we shouldn’t even try to put a gender on God- but we have.
Approximately half the population already have a God who is referred to in their own gender. Talking about God only in male terms contributes to men being seen as more important and powerful. In patriarchal societies we have not only neglected to tell women’s stories, we have also overlooked the feminine aspects of God.
It’s not that I have a problem with the idea of God as Father. I have a good relationship with my earthly Dad. The men in my family are wonderful, kind, protective, providers.
But I needed more…
I need God the Mother.
My deepest wounding is feeling a lack of nurturing love. I’m sure my mother felt it too, more than I ever have…and she tried desperately to fill the gap. But no earthly mother is perfect. As a mother myself, I know this all too well. Being a mother is at times so raw, messy, earthly. Could this image really be applied to God?
Maybe we should stick to God the Father. Much more civilized.
But nothing could take away the longing.
I was longing for something I wasn’t sure even existed, and I didn’t know how to receive.
Gradually I learned to trust. To lean into the longing. To accept nurturing.
Now the Spirit of love lives in me.
And I can recognize that love in anyone who also knows it. It resonates.
Holy Spirit, God my Mother.
Strong, yet gentle, patient and kind, wise, creative and nurturing.
For further exploration of this topic check out these podcasts: