Accepting kindness and truth
Why does even everyday kindness feel so foreign?
Can’t I feel it because I can’t accept it’s really for me?
Always searching, longing for something
But I already have so much
Why can’t I accept it?
Why do I extend understanding and grace
To all but myself?
Why is it so hard just to accept the truth?
I thought I had accepted it
But it seems so hard just to keep hold of it
I thought I knew it
But then I don’t feel it
I’m afraid I’ve lost it
I feel like my struggles are so different to everyone around me
Like no one would understand…
Are my struggles really so different?
I’m beginning to think maybe they’re not
Sometimes it hits me like a tonne of bricks
How bad things were
How far I’ve come
The reality of my life and how much I still struggle
Yet how thankful I am to be here
And to be ok