There is a sadness
Emptiness invading
Griping me again
Why am I not strong enough to keep it away?
Does it mean something or can I tell it to go?
If tears are the language of the heart
Maybe I just need to let it go
That’s how the sadness gets out
O Lord, I feel like you are totally unravelling me
I’m a bit of a mess at the moment
But that’s ok, I trust you
That you know what you’re doing
Even though I don’t know- I can’t see the goal/end in sight
I’m just surrendering and saying ‘yes’
To what you’re doing right now
O Lord, you’re breaking through
All my preconceived notations of you
Father, you are my safe place
You can hold me through this storm
I don’t have to be strong
Because you are
You know why I’m crying
Even when I don’t
You are not surprised
You are not offended or angry
You understand
You have all the time I need
It doesn’t matter if I’m messy
You’ll sort me out
I don’t have to have it all worked out
You know what I need
You welcome me
You know me
You know when I need to come
You were expecting me
I need to know
I need to enter into your welcome, your peace, your acceptance
I cannot find it elsewhere
You are my only true hope
Jesus my hope is in you
I find my hope, my peace in you alone
No matter how good my life on earth may be
I will always need you.
Let every moment of unrest, every sorrow, every disappointment
Draw me back to you, O Lord.
If I do not know your love
I cannot see love anywhere
If I do not find my peace in you
I cannot find it anywhere
Needing you so much might seem like a weakness
But it’s true, I can’t deny it
It’s ok to need you so much
Because you are my strength
When I am weak- you are strong