I wrote the original lyric to this song called ‘Rest’ almost a year before I shared it with anyone. (I’m a bit slow with sharing things, but I’m working on it.) The first person I sang the song to was my good friend Steph and she said, ‘Yeah we could sing that in church.’ But I didn’t really believe her. Eventually, after a few more people said ‘yeah that sounds good,’ I started collaborating with some of the guys from church to finish off the song, and we ended up recording it and singing it in our church. I think it was the first time I have actually really collaborated in writing a song. It was such a cool process, and I value Simon, Fiona and Garrick’s encouragement and input with this project so much! It wouldn’t have been finished without them. We even happened to record the service when we introduced the song on Facebook Live because there was a lockdown, which is kinda cool because now you can watch it here: Facebook. It was such an encouragement to me to hear Simon, Fiona and Garrick share about the scriptures the song is based on and refers to. I was just so chuffed that they would take my little expression of faith seriously and that it could be a blessing to many. I know it sounds cliché but this really was a lesson that working together makes things better…

Here’s the Original lyric, written in August 2020

When I’m weary you invite me to rest

When I’m weak you are strong

When I’m weary you invite me in

I am not cut off

I am not shut out

Your door is open to me

So I will come

And sit at your feet

Enter into your rest

I will rest in the shelter of the Lord

This is where you wash away my sin

Heal my heart

Restore my soul

No one else can wash away my sin

Heal my heart

Restore my soul

So I will rest in the shelter of the Lord

Back in August 2020, I was feeling a bit stuck. I recognized a pattern, that when I felt tired, I would feel like I was just not good enough and effectively cut myself off from God. I just didn’t feel like I could come to him when I was weary. One such time I rang a wise friend (early one Friday evening, when there was still much to be done with the dinner and the children…) and said something like, “I feel so terrible, I don’t know what’s wrong with me…” Her answer was, ‘I know you’ve been pushing yourself pretty hard lately. Do you think you’re tired lovey?’ Yeah I suppose so. (Thinking to myself: but I haven’t done anything really great, I don’t have a good enough reason to be tired…) ‘It’s Ok to be tired at the end of the day.’ Oh yeah. How did I not realize that? I’m embarrassed to admit it really was a light bulb moment. I guess it often takes someone who knows us to speak the truth, for us to actually recognize it. (I am such a sucker for overcomplicating things, and panicking about every little thing…)

Jesus himself said, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matt 11:28. So I wrote this song to remind myself that Jesus says, Come to me when you feel tired, weary, burdened, broken… He doesn’t say ‘Go away from me and sort yourself out.’ – No, Jesus knows what it’s like to be human, to get tired. He knows our weakness and he says, ‘Come.’ No matter the reason we feel weary or burdened- even when we are burdened by the weight of our sin- He says, ‘Come.’ Jesus has already dealt with our sin. All we have to do is surrender, put ourselves under His Lordship. And He will teach us, guide us gently and give us true rest.

Jesus gives us this invitation- all we need to do is come.


Words and music by Jane Heppell, Simon Elliott, Fiona Elliott and Garrick Field

You can listen to a recording here: Rest – Lyric Video (Demo Audio) – YouTube

The recording is almost entirely Garrick’s work, and features Fiona’s beautiful voice, and drone footage by Dorian Bennett.

Verse 1

When I’m weary

You invite me to rest

When I’m weak you are my strength

When I’m broken

You call me

Come away

Pre Chorus

And this is where

I find my peace

I find my strength

This is where

It is enough

Here and now


And I will rest

In the shadow of your wings

Breathing in your goodness and love

And I will find

My hope in Christ alone

Forever find my rest in him

Verse 2

Your yoke is easy

And your burden is light

The table is ready

You call me back home

Pre Chorus

And this is where

I find my peace

I find my strength

This is where

It is enough

Here and now


And I will rest

In the shadow of your wings

Breathing in your goodness and love

And I will find

My hope in Christ alone

Forever find my rest in him


This is where you wash away my sin

Heal my heart

Restore my soul

No one else can wash away my sin

Heal my heart

Restore my soul


And I will rest

In the shadow of your wings

Breathing in your goodness and love

And I will find

My hope in Christ alone

Forever find my rest in him

One Reply to “Rest”

  1. Love your reflections Jane. And this song highlights the importance of coming to Jesus with who we are. Tired, lonely, hurt- whatever he welcomes our courage to say this is me. Help!

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