Learning how to dance
This is not about literally learning how to dance, (although it could be), it’s more a metaphor about freedom of expression, gracefulness and confidence. It’s written in the form of a letter from my heavenly Father, but it could be for you too.
Come and sing to me my daughter
Come and dance before me
You are welcome in my presence
I delight in your beauty
My glory is yours too
I have clothed you in everlasting love
So that you may dance in freedom
Proclaim my goodness
Tell of my great love
So that others may see it
And believe it
You need to know my love
Before you can show it to others
It’s ok to come
And find joy in my presence
It’s not your fault that no one
Taught you how to dance
Come now and take my hand
O Lord, would you teach me how to dance.