A country girl
I’m a country girl stuck in the city
I was born in the city, but as soon as I moved to the country as a young girl,
I loved it.
It felt like home.
In the country I learned how to make things
The value of making things with what I could find
I learned how to make do
Now I’m a city girl again,
These days you’ll find me in the garden store
Chuckling to myself about the absurdity of buying cow poo in bags
Who am I?
I’m the mum who doesn’t look old enough to have a 12 year old
But I am- and I was married 2 years before that
I’m the wife whose husband has a disability
Yet he is a successful employee, Father and husband
I’m the wife whose husband has a PHD yet doesn’t earn enough to save for a house
But we are so thankful for what we have
Because we know what it is to not have enough
I’m the wife whose husband demands little of me
Yet appreciates everything I do
He doesn’t mind if I don’t earn very much
I’m the one who works hard to create community
Yet often feels out of place
I’m the one who invites, far more often than I’m invited
I’m the one who needs more solitude
Than most would find tolerable
I’m the one who needs more connection
Than I ever manage to find
I’m the one who sees opportunity
Where others see a dead end
I’m the one who sees potential
Where others see junk
I’m the one who can be a voice
For those who struggle to speak
Should I not speak for fear of speaking wrongly?