When I chose ‘Enough’ as my word for the year, I couldn’t really explain why. It’s almost July and I’m still trying to work out what it means…I mentioned my choice of word to a friend back in February who commented that it’s a ‘beautiful word (unless it’s followed by and exclamation mark)’. Enough! But to be honest there’s been a bit of that too, because I tend to put up with/hold on to things too long until I suddenly realise I’ve really had enough. But that’s another story.

What is enough?

Am I enough?

I often think I am too much

Yet not enough.

How do I know when I’ve done enough?

How do I know when my efforts are good enough?

Do I just do my best

And hope for the best?

But even if I try my best

Sometimes what I do doesn’t work out very well at all

Often my best efforts often seem far from good enough

Hang on, who said ‘good enough’ equals perfect?

None of us can do perfect

But can I do good enough?

Maybe with God’s grace I can?

Only God is good- yet

He says I am enough

For his grace is sufficient for me

But my question is, am I doing enough?

I said what’s next Papa?

You said ‘you’re already doing it.’