What to do with the longing…

I find that certain experiences lead to an acute, heightened awareness of longing I wrote about in a previous post. It could be a personal experience of hurt or witnessing the suffering of another, or even, something overwhelmingly wonderful. A large part of the longing for me is a feeling of disconnection and isolation, which I sense has more to do with current circumstances (living in an individualistic society, far from extended family) than any past hurts. I have wondered much about how to express this feeling- to keep it to myself or share it with others, and whether it requires any action. Yet I sense we all feel some sense of deep longing, in different forms and for different reasons. What if, instead of diagnosing, labelling, dishing out advice, distancing ourselves from each other’s pain we could bear with and acknowledge each other’s suffering, as not so different from our own?

Oh this feeling again

A deep penetrating sadness grips me

How can I be surprised by something so familiar?

A grief so painful I can hardly breathe

Yet I know not what I am grieving for…

I notice it even though,

And all the more

When I’m surrounded by joyful connection

I think of those who are not connected

I feel their loss like it’s mine…

A collective sense that things are not as they should be

I’m not afraid of this feeling

I know well enough what it means

And I have a feeling it would pass quicker if I could share it with someone

I know what I need

But I’m still afraid, what if they get it wrong?

I know what it doesn’t mean

I don’t expect anyone to fix it

Or try to change it

Just to be with me

Keep watch

Or hold me till it passes

Make me feel safe

So I can let go of it

And if it comes back

Can I do that again?

Will it keep coming back?

Should I allow that or try to banish it?

I have a feeling it will be easier and pass quicker next time

But how can I ask again?

I would be quick to do that for others

Why is it so hard to ask?

Is to ask, to admit that I need help,

Is that being humble?

Or is it asking too much?

If I do not ask

If I do not let my anguish show

It sticks

Hangs around

Such deep sadness

I don’t let it take over,

Don’t let it paralyze me

But it steals my joy

Disconnection seeps in

And lies multiply

I can’t share this with anyone

It’s too much,

I’m too much

I should be able to deal with it on my own.

If it’s something we all feel, why can’t we share it more?

How much do we put on a brave face

How much do we say it doesn’t matter?

‘Do not refuse to be comforted- that’s when you turn ugly’

But how do I ask when I don’t even know what this is about?

I thought if I was strong enough I could bind up the pain

So It can’t escape

But here I am again

Overcome with pain

Maybe I thought it is because of my personal failing I am here again

If only I tried harder, was more clever,

More persistent, resilient

I would be able to fix this…

Or at least not let it bother me anymore

But maybe the only way is to

Acknowledge it

Let it be free

Not bind it

So I can let it go…

Or does this require me to fight, to take action

And what am I fighting for?

Pain is taking over,

Stealing my joy again

How can I be surprised by something so familiar?

A grief so painful I can hardly breathe

Yet I know not what I am grieving for

Do not try to tell me

Just hold me

Hold me

So I can let it go.